Elias's (neighbour) tomato gifts - 'These are good. Yours - no good. Get rid of them. Plant these!" We have landed in old Europe here. It's fantastic - the neighbours grow things too, they keep animals, they make wine, they wander up and down the street visiting and sharing stories and cuttings and produce, our lovely Calabrian landlord has 20 sheep out of town. Martin has requested to join him at shearing time. These things make us very, very happy.
Our chickies got et by a fox. It was a little devastating for the wee ones to find them decapitated come egg collection time. A maximum security chook house is now under construction.
Martino and I drove to Adelaide sans enfants. We pitched tent in Dimboola along the way. We did not argue during pitching of tent. Apparently it is customary for couples to encounter some degree of conflict during such an activity. I regard this as porTENTous of camping bliss for years to come. In freshly and amicably erected tent we drank a shot of brandy and listened to the rain, and passed out. What can I say. We like to party.
In Adelaide we visited family and friends. I received official approval from the Inner Circle. To be sure now it couldn't be otherwise given that we all have ancestors from County Antrim.
We went for a walk at Morialta. Glorious.
Listened to Clancy Brothers and Dubliners on the road.