Two luscious Libran friends had birthday picnics (with excellent cakes...)
It rained some and it was warm some...

Beau did some painting...
We visited Uncle Gaz and Aunty Dee.
Beau got to play with his dearest friends.
I got to sing murder ballads and gospel songs with the lovely Teresa, K had his first book stall, and the beautiful Salvador (5weeks old)got bigger and cuter while his mama got through a long hard week, slightly scathed but still beautiful and smiling. Why I have not taken photos of them as yet I do not know, so lovely they all are...I've had the fortune to hold the wee babe many, many times these last three weeks. Delicious.
I love the body art! It reminds me of when chicky babe was of a similar age (while I was at art school or maybe the year after) I was trying to paint so I gave her some paint too so she could copy her mummy. I got lost in my art and then turned arround to find her completely naked painting her tummy bright blu and making tummy prints on the paper and table. She was really 'getting into' the painting experience! I don't remember what I was painting but I'll never forget that!
how lovely it all looks. i love little red hens story too.
there is nothing like snuggling babies, hey?
hope the book stall went well.
Looks like a fun week :)
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