Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Martin's beautiful hand crafted top bar bee hives.

A visit to the old ranch.

Seed sowing for the vege patch.

(Almost)Blue sky and blossoms at last.

Listening to: Bawdy Irish songs


Red Hen (dette) said...

Nice photos. Things are looking good in your part of the world.

Jo Windmill said...

So: share, which Bawdy Irish songs???

Jo Windmill said...

Jug of Punch, bunch of jumpers...

Alpha Betti said...

I called in here a phew weeks ago and was soothed and inspired, as always. Just read someone else's blog (she wrote about herself in the third person and told a story wherein she was judgmental and totally lacking in compassion towards someone struggling with drug addiction - and I visibly slumped and thought, you know, I could really give in to my hormones RIGHT NOW and write FUCK YOU BITCH in her comment section) So - I came here instead and found the perfect antidote. I am unslumped and all I can see are blossoms on the Cape Lilac and dappled light. That's better. Miss you.