I am so excited to have a camera. Almost a whole year has gone by without photo documentation. Beau is in for some In Yer Face camera action. And here are some very nice photos of the Christmas goodies I've been making into the wee hours of each morning. So much fun but Oh so sleep deprived. NEVER tackle overwhelming, overstimulating department stores whilst sleep deprived and hungry. I had a hypoglycemic meltdown until I inhaled three Nori rolls.
And here I am blogging when I should be taking the opportunity for a nap. These days it's a choice between crafting and sleeping.
Ooh and I bought knitting needles yesterday. See, working was just getting in the way of all this creativity.
Kevin Rudd eh. He ratifies the Kyoto Protocol (just, what, minutes after being instated??) and asks the US to do the same; he promises to say Sorry; he's already been to Iraq and back and promises to bring the lads home by June; he pledges to protect the Whales; prioritises climate change.....If he keeps up like this then he really is my Dream Prime Minister.
A safe and happy Christmas to you all xxx
very cute little felt creatures. I read that you were looking for some patterns but could not locate a book I have called 'making toys from felt'. I'm glad to see you managed very well without any assistance. I love the pink bird!
Great felt creatures! Lovely work.
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