Thursday, August 7, 2008

I got lost in Ikea yesterday, looking for a shower curtain and of course then emerged 2 hours later with tea light holders, heart-shaped and star-shaped ice cube trays, a new dyne cover for Beau, the shower curtain, and this very popular Twin Share Dog Bed. Bookings essential.

Today a blissful day by the river in the winter sun, with a thermos of tea and snacks and camera and plenty of time. I bought a bargain pile of books for Beau from the local second hand bookshop. I realise my growing addiction to children’s’ books may be our one obstacle in actually getting all the way to WA…

Beau did a spectacular flip off a piece of playground equipment half way through the day and won himself a doozie of an egg on his forehead, which smearings and sprayings of arnica seem to have eased somewhat.

We went to visit the beautiful, about- to –birth- any- moment Ms T; pantry fully stocked and lounge room all warm and womb-like, birth pool awaiting water, candles lining the mantle, fire wood stacked, so organised and peaceful with the air of anticipation, so delicious to be reminded. Blessings T, M and T!

Now if you will excuse me I have to go and find out what happens when Lupin and Bill go to redeem Mad Eye Moody's body....


Red Hen (dette) said...

Oh no, I'm off to Ikea on saturday! And it is pay week, I'll make sure I pay the most pressing bills first before I go. I'm looking for a rug for my studio to make it a little more habitable. It's colder here than it was in Melbourne!!!

fifi said...

Keep away from the dreaded Ikea! I always go there for a specific item, phoning ahead to check it is in stock, and whe I arrive it never is so I get 1000 tealights and a few kilos of kitchen items instead...have

What a nice day by the river. I love childrens books, and have a collection of old ones which I still read. Fairy stories and things. I buy them second hand quite often, and I have hunted many down on the internet too.

fifi said...

i dont know wher that stray "have" in the above comment came from. weird