Thursday, June 26, 2008

an experiment

Last night I finally finished the scarf I knitted for my sister-in-law. I had the idea that I wanted to dry felt onto it as a bit of an experiment and I'm really happy with the result. Dry felting is so easy, and a bit like painting with wool. The test will be in the washing, to see if it shrinks and pulls the scarf in . I think cold water should keep it in shape. Anyone tried this? Any shrinkage?

The wool is particularly soft and perfect for a scarf. I bought it from a Steiner stall at Ceres Slow Day, and it's the same wool you can buy at Steiner stores. They always have beautiful bright colours. I'm looking forward to making myself a beret and dry felting that too.


Suse said...

Tis a beautiful green.

I'm heavily into green this winter.

Jo Windmill said...

Hello lovely, it seems so strange that I am about to return to a place where one needs wool around one's neck!!! Love the fry felted touch!
See you soon fluff fiend!