Sunday, June 29, 2008

An Ode to Number One Son

Two more sleeps until K is home. Not that I'm counting or anything....It's been a huge learning curve, 4 weeks one on one parenting, no child care, no grandparent intervention, no hour here and there to wander a street and sit in a cafe or shop without a toy lane tantrum, double the amount of cuddles, a new wordless communication (I've got the 'Don't you dare' stare down to a fine art), and a deep and humbling respect for single parents everywhere, especially those without ex partners sharing care, or families close by to step in....

When K is home and all is back to 'normal' I might miss the daily rhythm that was just Beau's and mine. I will not miss 12 hours a day making sure boy and dog don't hurt each other. 4 weeks has gone quickly. Too long for family to be apart when the luxury of choice is afforded. Looking forward to having my man by my side and preparing for the Big Move West, and to seeing Beau's face when Dad comes into view.

Thanks fabulous little person for putting up with me and teaching me about surrender and the ongoing navigation of the mysterious labyrinth of love.


Jo Windmill said...

well said, mama...Ben and I were passing these exasperated parents with rtantrum throweing children flailing limbs about, as we were going into the museum this afternoon. We looked knowingly to each other, a bit of a "better not get too comfortable" nervous chuckle. I said' Kids. who'd have em." then glanced at out gorgeous girls, temporarly , as always, in great form...ahh , parenthood, the trip of a lifetime!

fifi said...

this just reminded me of how often i was alone with my children when they were babies.

He is a lovely little thing. But at the age where they are both delightful and exhausting.